Our gift ideas to create with dad for Mother’s Day
Note to the dads: soon it will be Mother’s Day and you do not have a gift idea that would please mum yet? In addition to inviting her to La Pergola restaurant on D-Day, why not choose to give her something exclusive to do with your children? Complicity time guaranteed.
You will only need your child’s soul and some objects or accessories, most of which are already at home... Discover the inspiring suggestions of the Hôtel du Centre, make up your choice and let’s go!
A bookmark with your image in family
If mum loves to spend time reading to relax, think of a family bookmark that she can use in her novels to always have you with her:
- together with your children, go to a photographer or a vending machine for an ID photo session on the tone of humour: frowns, laughter, different postures, everything is allowed…
- cut a 50 x 200 mm rectangle out of a thick piece of coloured cardboard paper
- stick your 3 best shots with star-shaped or heart-shaped stickers, for example
- laminate the lot with adhesive film, avoiding air bubbles
- finally, make sure to make a small hole with a punch at the top of the bookmark, then tie a coloured ribbon and you are done!

Custom pot holders and vegetal atmosphere

If mum has a green hand and likes to be surrounded by plants, planters to personalise will be the perfect gift to bring fancy notes to the decor:
- for an elegant plant atmosphere, select small indoor grass plants
- choose terracotta pots of a suitable size and already drilled at their base
- next, use a waterproofing substance to apply to the inside of the pots and acrylic paint (a small amount is required, left over paint for the house walls will be quite sufficient)
- using a brush, then try to create a background colour, lines and drawings, either by hand or by using stencils and possibly masking tape
- do not forget to let it all dry before unveiling the surprise for mum!
Timeless candle holders to customise
If mum is a fan of candles, go for the timeless candle holders and let your creativity speak to transform them into real decorative objects that will easily find their place in the house:
- take a series of glass jars that you no longer need – they can be of different sizes and shapes
- depending on what you have available at home, gather strong glue and ornaments such as scraps of ribbon, raffia string, sequins, beads, small mosaic shards, etc.
- then rely on the artistic imagination of your children, and work with them to make your work by creating geometric patterns or drawings using the multiple elements you have put together
- once your candle holders are finished, and depending on their size, you will only have to place them inside some column candles or dish warmers, before giving your gift to mum!

Retro spirit and surprise cones to eat

If mum is glutton, remind her of her childhood memories with paper mystery-cones, similar to the surprise bags that each child loved to receive in all circumstances:
- choose a bag of her favourite sweets: chocolates, fruit jellies, marshmallows, nougat, etc.
- each in turn with the children, write on small pieces of paper kind and affectionate words for mum
- have 2 rectangular cardboard sheets and roll them into a cone shape, then cover them with pretty patterned gift paper
- place a portion of the folded messages and sweets inside each of these cones
- fold down the pointed part of each cone, as if to form a lid that you can then attach with either glue or curling ribbon to pass through previously perforated holes, and it will all be ready to be tasted!