Creativity on the menu of La Pergola
Being a Chef in the kitchen is not only about culinary trifle. It is also the art of creating, inventing, daring! To have a flood of new ideas and desires, to know how to distinguish oneself with inspiration and gluttony, to show a great mind's eye. The La Pergola restaurant is a true team effort…
More and more innovation
The preconceived notion of the Chef’s suggestions, proposed since April 2019 in addition to the standard menu of the restaurant, let suggest more choices in order to never stop delighting the loyal guests of the place.
These are available in a starter, a meat dish, a fish dish and a dessert, without forgetting "le coin du Maquignon" with its gourmet recipes based on rare or noble products. Renewed each week, they are available from Monday to Sunday evening.
Of course, the process of suggestions requires more work, more consideration thought, more commitment, but customer satisfaction comes first.

The Chef and his Second Chefs at the controls

While Chef Gérard, assisted by his two devoted Second Chefs are in charge of the improvement of the weekly suggestions, nonetheless, the whole team of La Pergola is solicited.
The station Chefs submit their ideas based on their culinary experience, while the service team gladly participates in the "tasting moments", a real mission of collaboration and fastidiousness, where no detail is overlooked…
"The challenge is all the more important as we have to deal with a price constraint per course, which necessarily influences the choice of raw supplies, such as beyond knowing also to anticipate the unexpected of last minute and adapt in case of unavailability of products from providers... These are the risks of catering!"
The ritual of tasting
On Tuesday at La Pergola, 10.30 am sharp, the appointment place between the service teams and the kitchen… a work meeting not quite like the others!
The entire group of Pergroupies, alongside Granny Cécile, head dishwasher, is eager to sit down for the tasting ritual.

The presentation of the dishes is identical to what is served to the customers. Each recipe is tasted, without exception. Then many questions come forward, the objective being to be able to transcribe and highlight all the know-how of the kitchen to the future guests of the restaurant.
"The team is very creative and the amazement is there every week! It’s a rather exciting moment of sharing and exchanging. Sometimes we even discover products we didn’t know about. We share our feelings and it sometimes leads to some adjustments in the kitchen. We must not forget that the aim is to succeed in astounding our customers."
A savouring encounter in the dish
Delicacy of carefully selected ingredients, harmony of tones, liveliness of colours, setting up to the millimetre, appetising aroma: like a single piece, each dish reveals a result as sublime as exquisite and each mouthful invites to be pleased. One would hardly dare touch it...
The products will sometimes be atypical and surprising, sometimes traditional and better known, but the originality remains invariable, with more and more audacity on the menu of La Pergola.
Delight your senses by escaping into images: discover, for example, the freshness of a salad of Spanish-style squids enhanced with saffron dressing, the union of a Kangaroo fillet and endive braised with balsamic, the Dahl of coral lentils accompanying a roasted salmon… and good tasting!