The "Swiss-knife" man of the Hôtel du Centre
Do you know the famous Swiss knife? A true multifunction pocket tool renowned for its particularly practical appearance, it combines many accessories that will prove very useful in all circumstances... At the Hôtel du Centre, it would not be a tool but Quentin Razzanti! The hotel introduces you its Technical Manager.
Meet Quentin
Originally from New Caledonia, Quentin has more than one string to his bow, or, at least, more than one tool in his toolbox. As a perfect "Jack of all trades" as he confirms it, no fixing up seems to impress him and whatever the breakdown, it does not resist him very long! And this is a good thing since what kind of environment is more demanding of versatility than a hotel?
"It’s indispensable to know how to repair everything and to intervene quickly to keep the equipment in good working order: this is essential for the customer, who must be very welcome and always satisfied."

After training in electrical engineering, Quentin is first a backhoe driver, then in charge of the maintenance of the former bowling alley of Noumea located on anse Vata, and then an electrician in a Company specialising in computer networks. He will subsequently join the "General Security Industry" (GSI) Company, which is a branch of the Group of companies to which the Hôtel du Centre also belongs, to be in charge of both electrical work and fire safety, another of his multiple skills.
Taking on the technical responsibility for the building sites of the group’s entire holdings, Quentin naturally saw the hotel being added up to his field of action since the grand opening of the premises in 2012: preventive maintenance, curative maintenance, management of service providers, minor repairs, various and varied works...
Anticipation and adaptability

Quentin usually starts his mornings – around 5.30 am – enquiring about the emergencies of the day and the "little scratches" of the previous day. He prioritises his actions and then focuses on maintenance and improvement work. Each day is unique... and always has its share of surprises!
"In one anecdote among others, there was the oven episode at the time. The former Manager had ordered a new one for the La Pergola restaurant, but, at the time of delivery, oh surprise! The machine didn’t fit inside the elevator... It had to be completely disassembled and then reassembled inevitably."
As part of the most unusual construction project he has carried out within the establishment, there has of course the complete makeover, from floor to ceiling, of the mysterious Red Room!
If his daily schedule is supposed to set him free at around 3.00 pm, our Technical Manager is committed to being reachable on a regular basis and responding to emergencies...
"I have often intervened in the evening or in the middle of the weekend (not without complaining) for technical problems in the kitchen, a false alarm with the fire alarm system or an automatic door that no longer wants to close... This is also the hotel industry!"
Chinese portrait
- If you were a trade? I would be an electrician. Because it’s simple for me.
- If you were a tool? An Estwing® hammer – the most in hammers.
- If you were an installation or equipment? A steam cleaning, for any in depth "cleaner"!
- 3 things you have always with you at the Hôtel du Centre? My phone, my toolbox and my head.
- The person, famous or not, who inspires you? Linus Torvalds. [Editor’s Note: Founder of the Linux® free operating system]
- If you were not a Technical manager? Sculptor or geologist or anthropologist.
- Your best quality and your main imperfection? My loyalty, counterbalanced by my "Scorpio ascending Taurus" profile...
A discreet personality
Appreciating his profession for the extreme versatility it offers, all trades combined, as much for the freedom he has to organise his days with autonomy, Quentin also emphasises the strength of the hotel group as an asset allowing rapid and effective interventions.
So do not imagine any material difficulties for our Technical Manager. If he were to mention one, it would be the human and interpersonal skills, quite simply... He admits that he is "a bit lonely and wild"!